I know, not a very snappy title!
So you're familiar with GDS as a set of styles, components and patterns to standardise the citizen experience.
And you're familiar with Intelligent Advisor as a rulebase technology for collecting and interpreting data.
But can they work together?
For example, can a team build an Intelligent Advisor solution, apply GDS standards, and expect it to be fully compliant? The answer is yes!
So how would you actually do that?
From your rulebase click on Styles > Custom Files > and then develop your collateral here.
Although there are two points to make clear:
- the development is not trivial. You'll need to be experienced in JavaScript and understand the UI components of Intelligent Advisor.
- you'll need to keep on top of changes as GDS publish them. There isn't a regular cadence so you'll have to check back every few weeks or so.
There is, of course, an alternative. We - Magia - have our own set that we maintain. These can be supplied to you and we can, if you want, issue updates as they come through.
Now it's time to switch focus and show some examples of it being used in a runtime environment.
Here we have a textbox with hints, a read only textbox, and the familiar green on a button:
And here a hint area with optional guidance and a large text area:
Then some different ways to display boolean controls:
And some different ways to collect dates, the second with hint text:
Then different warnings and a link:
Then there's the summary screen which will be familiar to you if you've ever completed a form for HMRC, DWP, or if your local council adheres to GDS standards:
And then when you have submitted:
That's not an exhaustive list, there are lots of other controls that we have in our kit bag.
The point is that Intelligent Advisor can be easily made GDS compliant, and can therefore be used across the public sector, whether a large central government department or a small council, or anything inbetween.
If you’d like to book a discovery call, then we’re just a few clicks away: https://magiaconsulting.com/contact-us